The company for services, consulting and management Beoconex LLC was founded in January 1990. We are successfully operating on Republic of Serbia market providing consulting and accounting services to domestic and foreign clients.

Since the very beginning Beoconex is actively participating in privatization of socially owned and state capital in Republic of Serbia by performing assets appraisal and privatization documentation drafting, both as a consultant for Privatization Agency or capital buyer's advisor.

Besides financial consulting services our team has broad experience in capital and assets appraisal using different methods (cost, market or yield), real estate and equipment valuation in accord with IFRS 13, founders' investments valuation, appraisal of assets owned by companies in bankruptcy, as well as drafting financial and legal due diligence reports and business plans.

In performing all activities our team always bears in mind respecting professional standards and ethic rules. Objectivity in appraisal procedure and supplying services, applying various methods and practical solutions for any atypical situtation, maximizing value of each client are deeply rooted in our work.



Address: Zahumska 71, Belgrade
Phone: +381 (0) 11 3088 103, 3820 410 Fax: 3088 105